Scheda: 138326


In five volumes. Edited, with additional notes by Estelle M Hurll and abundantly illustrated with designs from ancient and modern art.

Houghton, Mifflin and Co., Boston and New York, 1898 -1900

ARTE RELIGIONE ILLUSTRATO 1800 ARTE RELIGIONE STORIA JAMESON Anna Houghton, Mifflin and Co., Boston and New York, 1898 -1900 JAMESON Anna THE WRITINGS ON ART. 1898 -1900
80,00 €
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In-8 p. (mm. 205x130), primi 4 (su 5) volumi (in edizioni diverse), tela edit. verde, decorazione impressa a secco al piatto, titolo oro al dorso. L'opera, con approfondite Introduzioni', è così composta:- "Sacred and Legendary Art" (1900), in 2 voll., pp. XLIV,(2),387; XV,800 (numeraz. continua); con un bel ritratto di Anna Jameson, complessive 18 tavole in b.n. f.t. e numerosiss. disegni nel t. L'opera è relativa a: Of Angels and Archangels - The four Evangelists - The twelve Apostles - The Doctors of the Church - St. Mary Magdalene, St. Martha, St. Lazarus, St. Maximin, St. Marcella, St. Mary pf Egypt, and the beatified penitents - The patron Saints of Christendom - The virgin Patronesses - The early Martyrs - The Greek.. The Latin.. The Roman Martyrs - Martyrs of Tuscany, Lombardy, Spain and France - The early Bishops - French Bishops - The Hermit Saints - The Warrior Saints of Christendom.- "Legends of the Monastic Orders" (1898), di pp. XXVI,467; con 10 tavole in b.n. f.t. e numerosiss. disegni nel t., tratta: S. Benedict and the early Benedictines in Italy, France, Spain, and Flanders- The Benedictines in England and in Germany - The reformed Benedictines - Early royal Saints - The Augustines - The Mendicants Orders - The Jesuits - The Order of the Visitation of St. Mary. - "Legends of the Madonna" (1900), di pp. XXIII,372; con 16 tavole in b.n. f.t. e numerosiss. disegni nel t., contiene: Devotional subjects (the Virgin without the child - the Virgin and child enthroned) - Historical subjects (the life of the Virgin Mary from her birth to her marriage with Joseph - .. from the annunciation to the return from Egypt - .. from the sojourn in Egypt to the crucifixion of our Lord - .. from the resurrection of our Lord to the Assumption). Anna Brownell Jameson (1794-1860), è stata storica dell'arte e saggista irlandese, naturalizzata britannica.Esemplare ben conservato.