Scheda: 64260


With notes of various authors. The Third Edition, with other illustrations; and with some account of the Life and Writings of Milton, derived principally from documents in His Mayesty’s State-Paper Office, now first published by the Rev. H.J. Todd.

Printed for E. and J. Rivington; J. Cuthell (et al.), London, 1826

POESIA, MILTON LETTERATURA Inghilterra 1600 MILTON John Printed for E. and J. Rivington; J. Cuthell (et al.), London, 1826 MILTON John THE POETICAL WORKS. 1826
150,00 €
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In-8 p. (mm. 224x138), 6 volumi, mz. tela, titolo su etichetta al dorso, pp. 27,370,LXVII; CXXXVI,535; 527; XIX,501; 517; 433 + indice; con un ritratto di Milton al frontespizio del 1° volume. Con fioriture e/o arrossature intercalate nel testo, peraltro in buono stato. Intonso.

LETTERATURA Inghilterra 1600