Compiled from the best authorities. With six plates.
W. Dorling, Epsom, 1825
In-8 (mm. 238x145), tela coeva (con aloni, dorso rifatto), tit. oro su tassello al dorso, pp. XIV,(2),208, molto ben illustrato da 6 pregevoli tavole di vedute inc. in rame di cui una, a colori, raffigura la East window Epsom Church. Il volume contiene: A succint and interesting description of the origin of horse racing, and of Epsom races, with an account of the mineral waters, and the two celebrated palaces of Durdans and Nonsuch, &c. &c. to which is added, an "Appendix" containing a botanical survey of the neighbourhood.Così viene descritta Epsom: a parish in the county of Surrey, formerly a market town. It is situated about one mile south east of Ewell, fourteen miles south of London, on the turnpike road from London to Dorking, Worthing, Guildford, Portsmouth, &c. and is the chief town comprised within the Hundreds of Copthorne and Effingham. La p. XII con macchie margin., testo con lievi arross. solo a fronte delle tavole, altrimenti fresco esempl. marginoso, ben conservato .