Drawn from all the best surveys and rectified by astronomical observations.
A. Arrowsmith, London, 1798
Grande carta geografica dell'Europa, inc. in rame e a colori. E' composta di 4 fogli, montati su tela, ciascuno di cm. 64,5 x 73,7, suddivisi in 15 riquadri: vi figurano anche un ritratto del dedicatario, Sir Joseph Banks (President of the Royal Society), e una bellissima veduta che inquadra il titolo. Cfr. Tooley's Dictionary of Mapmakers, p. 24: Aaron Arrowsmith (1750-1833), English cartographer, engraver and publisher. Hydrographer to his Majesty. Established in London ca. 1770 and in 1790 set up his own establishment. In all he issued 200 maps, mostly large scale, and was easily the foremost cartographer of his time. Con aloni alla tela di due fogli, altrimenti ben conservata e contenuta in astuccio.