Ou relation de la campagne faite dans la Thébaide pour en rapporter l'obelisque occidental de Thèbes. Deuxième édition.
Thomine, Paris, 1833
In-8 p. (mm. 209x134), brossura orig. (aloni), pp. (8),142,(2), con 3 grandi tavole inc. in rame e più volte ripieg. che rappresentano les plans d'abattage et les quatre faces de l'obélisque avec les inscriptions hiéroglyphiques, con relativa descrizione. Cfr. Dawson Who was who in Egyptology, p. 10: Justin Pascal Angelin, French naval surgeon, accompanied (as surgeon) the expedition that went in the vessel Louqsor, led by J.B.A. Lebas, to remove and transport to Paris the obelisk now in the Place de la Concorde; he published an account of the expedition, with plates, Paris, 1833. Rara "seconda edizione".Con numerosiss. timbri di apparten., qualche fiorit. ma certam. un buon esemplare con barbe.