With which are incorporated “The Woman's Supplement, the Gentlewoman and Modern Life”.

The Cornwall Press / Illustrated Newspapers, London, 1929

MODA COSTUMI PERIODICI FEMMINILI SCIENZE SOC COSTUMI The Cornwall Press / Illustrated Newspapers, London, 1929 EVE. THE LADY'S PICTORIAL. 1929. 1929
300,00 €
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In-4 p. (mm. 320x240), mz. pergamena coeva con ang., titolo ms. al dorso, conservate tutte le pregevoli copertine figurate a colori (manca solo la cop. anteriore del n. 469), pp. 910, riccamente illustrato in b.n. nel t. (foto e disegni) e con numerose pagg. pubblicitarie (anche a colori). Di questa rara e bella rivista inglese di moda, settimanale, offriamo l'annata completa del 1929 in 17 numeri, dal n. 460 (2 gennaio) al n. 476 (24 aprile), ultimo pubblicato. Come si legge sulla pagina pubblicitaria dell'ultimo numero: On Friday, May 3rd will be published the first number of the most beautiful, witty and well-informed magazine British journalism has yet produced. The new illustrated monthly journal - Britannia & Eve is its name - combines the informed authority of Britannia with the leadership in all things feminine of Eve which will, as a result, cease then to be published in its present form. Eve: The Lady's pictorial, a homegrown fashion magazine from the London publishers of The Sphere and The Tatler in print from 1919 to 1929. A high-end fashion periodical that emphasize its modernity by attending to the latest trends in art, literature, theatre, music, dance, and cinema as well as dress. It addressed wealthy, sophisticated, leisured readers or those who aspired to such a lifestyle.. (così Modernism and Modernity in British Women's Magazines, Alice Wood). Il n. 468 presenta una piccola mancanza all'ang. super. delle prime 14 pp. (compresa la copertina), altrimenti esemplare molto ben conservato.