SHAW George Bernard (Dublino 1856, Ayot St Lawrence, G.B. 1950)
Scheda: 101009



AUTOGRAFO LetterAtura Irlanda SHAW George Bernard (Dublino 1856, Ayot St Lawrence, G.B. 1950) 1931 SHAW George Bernard (Dublino 1856, Ayot St Lawrence, G.B. 1950) CARTOLINA POSTALE AUTOGRAFA FIRMATA. 1931
600,00 €
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(mm. 92 x 143), datata: 17th Feb 1931, indirizzata al Prof. Luciano Magrini, Via Castelmorone 35 - Milano, affrancata e timbrata:I like the Lago Maggiore because (a) it is a sea and not a ditch with monstrous hedges of mountain looming over it, and (b) because there are no mosquitos. / Also because Troubetzkoy and a lot of interesting people live there. / G. Bernard ShawBesides, it is near Varallo, discovered by the great Samuel Butler, and dear to all connoisseurs in sculpture and painting.Ben conservata.

LetterAtura Irlanda