Scheda: 132235


With the collaboration of Arthur Gilman. Sixth edition.

Fisher Unwin / Putnam's Sons, London / New York, 1891

EGITTO ANTICO STORIA GEOGRAFIA RAWLINSON George Fisher Unwin / Putnam's Sons, London / New York, 1891 RAWLINSON George ANCIENT EGYPT. 1891
30,00 €
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In-16 gr. (mm. 194x130), tela edit. figur. con titolo in oro al piatto e al dorso, pp. XXI,408, con numerose illustrazioni in b.n. nel t., anche a p. pag. e 1 carta geografica, ripieg. e f.t. The land and people of Egypt - The pyramid builders - The Hyksos - The rise of Thebes to power - Abraham in Egypt - The Hyksos and how they were expelled from Egypt - Thothmes I - Queen Hatasu - Thothmes III - Amen-Hotep III - Beginning of the decline of Egypt - Its decline under the later Ramessides... The Persian conquest - Three desperate revolts - Nectanebo I: a last gleam of sunshine - The light goes out in darkness. Volume della Collana The Story of the Nations. Firma di apparten. al frontesp., altrimenti esemplare ben conservato.