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Eduard Hallberger, Stuttgart und Leipzig, 1879-1880
In-4 gr. (mm. 375x295), 2 voll., legatura editoriale in mz. pelle, piatti telati (abrasioni) con pregevole ricca decorazione in oro e perline turchesi incastonate, dorso a cordoni (piccole manc.), fregi e tit. oro, pp. (8),VI,(2),387; XII,432; con 2 carte geografiche a colori f.t dell'Alto e Basso Egitto, molto ben illustrato nel t. da centinaia di xilografie, anche a piena pagina, che raffigurano vedute, costumi, personaggi, monumenti, etc. "Edizione originale". Georg Moritz Ebers (1837-1898), German Egypytologist and story writer. Ebers was a successful teacher; he visited Egypt many times and is remembered for his huge descriptive work on Egypt, "Aegypten in Wort und Bild", which enjoyed great popularity in its day and was translated into French and English; it contained many pictures of historical interest today.. (cfr. Who was who in Egyptology,p. 94). Fresco esemplare marginoso, ben conservato.